Rich are becoming richer. Poor are becoming poorer.
When people say the above, they implicitly criticize that the rich are robbing the poor people.
Except politicians and other people who have government power, rich people are not robbing poor people.
Rich people are becoming richer by utilizing every opportunity that they have without missing even one small opportunity.
They are becoming richer by improving their skills, knowledge and other things.
They are becoming richer by taking good advice given by anyone.
They are becoming richer by selecting/electing the right leaders who can lead them.
They are becoming richer by utilizing all their resources in the most efficient way and ignoring anything that is unnecessary.
Many rich people know the Win-Win concept.
Poor people might be still poor, maybe because they are not getting enough opportunities.
Poor people might be still poor, maybe because they do not have enough money to improve their skills or knowledge.
Also, I know many people, who did not take the opportunity, because it is a very small opportunity and their goal is very big. [Any visionary would say, when you cannot run, walk. When you cannot walk, crawl. Move towards your goal even at very small speed, but move.]
I know many people who are reluctant to take advice from anyone except great leaders.
I heard from many people that, when they were ready to provide some free training, people who could have improved from that training, did not come for various (silly) reasons (and not for the reason of losing their day's income.)
I know many people who unnecessarily fight for unnecessary things and waste their time and resources.
I know many people who do not know how to select a leader who can improve their life.
I know many people who do not understand the Win-Win concept (Everyone wins in that), and they think everything is a Zero-Sum game (One's loss is another's gain. If myself and another person are collaborating in something, and if I am not going to lose, then they implicitly assume that the other person is going to lose.)
Rich are becoming richer, and poor are becoming poorer are two independent statements. There is no relation between them. If anyone is worried about the poor becoming poorer, they need to concentrate on how to improve the poor people's life, and not think about dragging rich people down.